
Dr Chan Yiu Hoi




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入口 Entrance:





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常見皮膚問題 (Common Medical Skin Problems)


- 暗瘡 、 毛囊炎 (Acne, Folliculitis)

- 脫髮、斑禿 (Androgenetic Alopecia, Alopecia Arecta)

- 濕疹 (Eczema)

- 雀斑、黃竭斑 (Freckles, Melasma)

- 癦痣 (Moles)

- 珍珠疣 (Molluscum Contagiosum)  

- 銀屑病 (Psoriasis)

- 玫瑰痤瘡 (Rosacea)

- 脂溢性皮炎 (Seborrheic Dermatitis)

- 皮膚過敏 (Skin Allergy)

- 皮膚癌 (Skin Cancer)

- 灰甲 、 皮膚癬 (Tinea/Fungal Infections)

- 蕁麻疹 (Urticaria)

- 疣 、 瘜肉 (Warts,Skin Tags)

- 性病 (Venereal Diseases)



治療範圍 (Skin Treatments)


- 生物製劑注射 (Biologics Injection)

治療銀病、濕疹: Treatment of Psoriasis, Eczema

- 面部及背部化學換膚 (Chemical Peels: Face & Back)  

嫩膚、改善暗瘡及凹凸洞、令膚色均勻以及減淡身上毛囊炎後色素沉積: Rejuvenation, improvements on acne and acne related complications such as Post-inflammatory Hyperpigmentation

- 激光手術 (CO2 laser)  

去除皮膚瘜肉、老人癦、疣: Removal of Skin Tags, Seborrhoeic Warts, Warts

- 冷凍治療 (Cryotherapy)  

去除疣或皮膚良性增生: Removal of Warts or benign skin outgrowth

- 肉毒桿菌素去皺針及瘦面 (Dysport Injection)

   減退表情紋和達致瘦面效果: To alleviate forehead lines, Crow’s feet and Frown’s line and reduce Masseter Hypertrophy

- 電灼及刮除手術 (Cautery & Curettage) 手術

   去除血管性良性增生 To remove benign skin vascular outgrowth

-  皮膚瘜肉剪除手術 (Excision of skin papilloma)

- 高能聚焦超聲波 (HIFU)

   以達致收緊以及提升輪廓: To achieve tightening and improve contour and outline

- 彩光/脈衝光治療(IPL)

美白、退斑、嫩膚: Improve skin tone, lightening of skin pigmented lesions, Skin rejuvenation

- 長波1064激光(Long Pulsed 1064 Cosjet Laser)

脫毛、嫩膚、改善幼紋: Hair Removal, Rejuvenation

- 飛點激光 (Mosaic Laser)  

以改善痤瘡後凹凸洞情況: Improve Acne Scarring

- 激光手術(Q switched Nd-YAG Laser) –

去除頑固色斑(曬斑或雀斑): Removal of Pigmented skin lesions such as Lentigines or Freckles

- 皮膚切片活組織病理科檢查 (Skin Biospy) (局部麻醉)

以協助達到皮膚病確診: To facilitate the diagnosis of skin disease

- 類固醇注射 (Steroid Injection)

     治療瘢瘤 、斑禿、局部痤瘡結節囊腫: Treatment of Keloid,    Alopecia Areata, Acne nodules and cysts